Rs. 2,587.00

Tot JUNIOR Bath Additive is a treatment for your child’s eczema or related dry skin conditions. This wash works by forming a protective film on the skin surface to reduce moisture loss and help hydrate, soothe and soften the skin.

Formulated to treat itchy, irritating dry skin conditions including eczema and dermatitis, particularly when they affect large areas of babies body
Liquid Paraffin – 64.6%
Soft Paraffin – 5%

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Liquid Paraffin, Soft Paraffin, Virgin coconut Oil, Aloe Vera extract, Almond Oil, Rose Oil, Sodium Laury!
Sulfate, Glycerin

Using Tot JUNIOR Bath Additive can help to protect your child’s skin to prevent future dryness with regular use at bath time.

Tot Junior Bath enriched with infective moisturizing, antioxidant and essential vitamin for baby skin. The lightweight lather caresses your skin with soothing ingredients to cool and clam overheated or sensitive skin.

Light liquid paraffin is a hydrating agent for eczema and related dry skin conditions. Aloe Vera extract knowns to cool, replenish and hydrate the skin and Virgin coconut Oil has vitamins and healthy fats and moisturizing properties that keep the baby’s skin moisturized as it grows